Saturday, 26 November 2011


I think this sums up what I learned today at Weight Watchers.  Everyone has challenges especially during the holiday season.  The leader this time was a fill in and a former teacher who had lost over 100 pounds.  I was inspired by her.  It is how you deal with the problems not the problem in itself.  The proportion is 10% problem and 90%  is how you deal with it.  It is a good thing to remember.

The leader had everyone take a pen and write down the holiday challenges.  None of mine were food but stress alone can make you overeat.  It was a wonderful exercise. I was slow at getting started but once I thought it through I found it was a good exercise.
My personal challenges are:
1     People that are stupid or rude, something that is more prevalent during the holidays.  Yesterday, I had someone cut me off and nearly run me off the road on the 401.  Then when I reached my destination, I waited for a person in a car to leave his parking spot.  As soon as the person was far enough out of the spot, another man shot ahead of me to get the parking spot.
2     Buying Chanukah gifts especially for kids.  It is a challenge.
3     Listening to Debbie Downers talk about their illnesses
4     Crowded places and people pushing you around.  I always hated that and was shocked at the US reports about how people used pepper spray and actually in two places took a gun and shot people to get ahead of the crowd on Black Friday. 
5     Being overworked

So can I help any of the above challenges?  Probably not but I can help put my reactions into perspective.  I try to get enough sleep and workout.  I try and plan ahead because for me being organized is being in control.  Then take a big, deep breath and focus on the pleasures of the season.

Writing things down really helps me.  Yesterday, I wrote a list of the hors d'ouevres that are served that are not accounted for in any Weight Watchers lists.  Mostly they are mini things like mini quiches, mini egg rolls and a variety of small unusual things.  Whether right or wrong I have tried to calculate points based on calorie count.  Generally a lot of these hors d'oeuvres are about 100 calories.
I have in the past used my Weight Watchers calculator to convert calories into points with the exception of fruits or veggies which are free, 30 calories seemed to be about a point.  So something that is 100 calories might be 3 points.

The best thing I learned when I was a Girl Guide was to "be prepared".  It has served me well through life and dealing with unexpected challenges.  I have a few tactics to deal with no time to cook and being hungry.  I keep a few things in the freezer like soups and things I have made in the slow-cooker, pizza, pasta and lasgna, and mini muffins I make.  I buy and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits than I have in the past.  My go to fruits are apples and bananas but everyone is different.  Sometime I buy trays of veggies that are meant for parties because there is just enough of each type to go for days.

This morning when I weighed in I brought my pretty designer coffee cup with a top and 2 of my mini-banana muffins to eat and drink during the meeting... after weigh in, of course.  And, how am I doing after two weeks of eating out in New York and attending parties and the like?  I am down in small increments but going in the right direction.

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