Tuesday, 21 February 2012


Some of these are sooooo sad but true.  These are the 8 worst foods... originally it was to be kept in the fridge or freezer and I expanded it to the house and now am expanding it to everywhere because some of these things can't be blamed at what you bring into the house.

1.   Worst Staple:  White Bread.... (but I wonder if it counts when you go to Morton's and they bring you a hot loaf of bread that 2 people can devour in a heartbeat?)  I guess we all knew that but it isn't a bad reminder.

2.  Worst Sandwich Filler:  Processed meats.  Well we sort of knew this one too so it is best to slice real chicken or beef and not the processed kind.  It is actually best to cook it yourself (another sad but true).  That way you can control the amount of salt you put on it if any at all.

3.  Worst Drink:  Pop or Soda.  We know that too but at least Diet drinks don't have calories even if it isn't healthy.  I guess I should remind myself that water is the best drink.

4.  Worst "Healthy" Food:  Prevention magazine says "Frozen veggies with sauce"  but who buys those anyway.  It occasionally spruce up veggies by flash frying in garlic and oil or making a dish out of it.  Truthfully, steamed or baked or boiled is best.  As soon as you add something you are adding unnecessary fats and calories.  I find a big downfall are the sides at restaurants.  It is probably best to go raw or ask for steamed.  It is a wise reminder even for me.

5.  Worst Spread and Cooking Fat:  Butter.  That makes me sad but I know that it is true. That sure puts a crimp in Weight Watchers who says you can eat what you want as long as you count the points.

6.  Worst Dessert:  Ice Cream.  I love that stuff but I guess if I am in dire straits I better look for sherbet or gelato, a lighter fare.

7.  Worst Quick-Fix Side Dish:  French Fries (nuff said)

8.  Worst Condiment:  Mayonnaise.  I don't have that very much anymore but I think that should go for any creamy dressing too.

Now! If I can follow these 8 simple rules of what not to eat plus portion control, the weight should just fall off me.  :-)

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