Monday, 5 September 2011

Cut Yourself Some Slack

I know I am not the only one that has always figured I could splurge on the weekend.  Now I may do it on one item or so and not the whole weekend.  However, if you read yesterdays blog, restaurant foods can sneak up and bite you in the ass without you even knowing it.  I try to make myself informed and now read a lot about how to navigate the  restaurant menu. 

Every once in a while I want a Diet Coke.  It is terrible for your body.  It will put on weight or dehydrate you and deplete the minerals in your system.  There is no redeeming feature to soft drinks so I will remind myself once more to ditch it.  It is just a can of chemicals.  I am just as happy with sparkling water.

Here are some interesting tips from a trainer when he goes out to eat.  He orders one or two salads with dressing and cheese on the side.  Then he orders a burger or sandwich without mayo or sauces and even the bun.  He combines the inners of the burger or sandwich with the salad.  He adds 2 tbsp of whatever dressing he wants and ditches the rest.  He says grilled chicken is usually on every restaurant menu.  But surprisingly enough, he says to stay away from fish because it is probably fried.  Now here is an interesting tip but not from the trainer.  Sometimes we crave pizza, at least I do.  Next time, take your paper napkin or paper towel and blot the fat.  Apparently, you can cut up to 1 teaspoon of fat per slice.  Who would have thought that?

Today is Monday and beginning a diet on a Monday makes you feel like the weekend was your last meal .  That is not a good thing because you are most likely going to really splurge.  One study showed that 46% of the people started a diet on a Monday and by Tuesday night 31% had given up.  That was me.  I started a diet EVERY Monday and this is how I gained so much weight. 

I have a rebellious nature so I have to cut myself some slack.  I can't starve myself.  I can't go hungry. I need to feel satisfied but not necessarily stuffed.  Everyone has to find their own way.  I am a snacker so I had to create a stable of goodies that are my go to foods when I am hungry between meals.  This is my list:  home-made low-fat muffins, sugar bow ties, sha-sha cookies, arrowroot cookies, 1 oz. baked tortilla chips with salsa, fruit, cheese strings or 1 ounce of cheddar, a spoonful of peanut butter, coffee or a hard-cooked egg.

I am learning it is okay to snack or even splurge now and again.  You have to cut yourself some slack especially if you have a rebellious nature like me. . . but not to the extent of eating like it your last supper.

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